fredag 29. juni 2012

ATONE på Alfred

Super musikk video og flinke folk, på scenen og i kulissene! 
De hadde release av musikkvideo og vi fikk se den på storskjerm med påfølgende konsert på Alfred i Hønefoss:) 



Eirik Pladsen var gjesteartist

Søster og x nabo var på plass:)

... :)

Folk bak film:) 


og Martin :)



Og jäg og syrran var med ;)

tirsdag 12. juni 2012

Happy New Years 2

After a knock on the door, 9 am on the 1. of january in Earls Court, London, I spent the day in Notting Hill. Walking around in the park, looking at people mostly ;) 
I did find an open book shop and bought this beatuiful copy of Jane Eyre.

Think I might love London......

MUST go back ;)

Happy New Years 1

I did it!! 

the crazy thing.......

I was, for the first time in a very long time alone on New Years Eve. After carefully conideration and going over an over my options(spending it with sister and inlaws, brother and family, friends in Trysil, friends in Jevnaker.....) I decided to go to London!! 
After ending my shift at H&M in Hønefoss I went to Gardermoen, an abandon airport, one might say, had a glass of wine, and three seats to myself onboard:)
Luckily for me I met some friends, and had a great and different holiday! 
And, no, I did not see the fireworks. I heard it was great this year......


Julie an Jean, and some australian.

Jean and......


Thanks, for a perfect evening:)

1. juledag hos bror og mor :)

Spill og mat og kos.....

Og selvfølgelig stekt julegrøt med skinke!!


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